Amethyst Crystal Meaning

Amethyst is a crystal that has beautiful violet and purple colors, but it can also come in a few other colors. This stone is a calming stone and has meditative qualities that offer tranquility and grounding.

Amethyst is a type of quartz crystal that is widely known for its powerful and protective properties. It has a beautiful violet color and is commonly used for both jewelry and healing practices. People have valued amethyst for its stimulating effects on the mind and emotions for many years.

The amethyst crystal is also well known for providing inner healing, psychic abilities, spiritual awareness, and positive transformation.

Amethyst Crystal Meanings

Amethyst crystals have a positive history of meanings and properties that date back to ancient times. They are believed to bring forth the purest aspirations of humanity. These crystals are also known for their eye-catching appearance.

The name "amethyst" comes from the Greek word "ametusthos," which means "not intoxicated." People have believed for centuries that amethyst can help prevent drunkenness and excessive indulgence. This is why the ancient Greeks wore amethyst and even crafted drinking vessels from it.

The meaning of amethyst has varied across different times and cultures, so the Feng Shui meaning of amethyst crystal varies and is specifically related to enhancing wealth. In addition, ancient Chinese people used amethyst as a powerful tool to remove negative energy and protect themselves from everyday life dangers.

Amethyst Healing

Below are some of the healing properties and powers of Amethyst, a powerful and protective stone with a wide range of benefits.

  • Boosting the Immune System:Β Amethyst can aid the body in defending against illnesses and removing them. It can cleanse the blood, lessening physical, emotional, and psychological discomfort or tension. Amethyst is beneficial for those with lung and respiratory tract disorders, skin conditions, cell disorders, and digestive system illnesses.
  • Activates Spiritual Awareness:Β This gemstone possesses remarkable abilities to heal and purify. It achieves this by unlocking a person's intuition and amplifying their psychic talents.
  • Natural Stress Relief:Β Amethyst has several benefits, including relieving stress and strain, soothing irritability, balancing mood swings, and dispelling negative emotions such as anger, rage, fear, and anxiety.

We have a wide selection of pieces in a number of different forms to choose from. We have amethyst jewelry, tumbled amethyst stones, points, spheres, and much more. Check out our crystal shop of Amethyst Crystals.