SKU: 164423

Ground and Connect~ Set of Two Gemstone Tapered Pendulums ~ Bronzite and Tiger's Eye

$ 19.99 USD
Low stock - 1 available
Weight: 46 g

This listing is for the exact pendulum set pictured here.

Chakras: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus

Tiger's Eye contains healing properties with a combination of Sun and Earth elements. Featuring blazing bright streaks resembling the glow of the sun's energizing rays and dark earthy streaks that ground us to the land we walk upon. The sun above and the earth below offer stable energy and steady steps for a journey that remains grounded, yet energized. Tiger's Eye can help you release stress and anxiety. Strengthen your courageous side and walk through your personal battles with resilience and protection while using this stone. Tiger's Eye aids in the activation of the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras to keep you grounded and centered, even during times of chaos. 

Bronzite is here to release you from what no longer serves you, and launch your beginning on your new path or journey. This is a purifying healing crystal that works to transmute and heal the aspects of you that need to in order for your next stage or phase to come into your life path.  This is one of the best crystals for eliminating fear and self doubt, showering you with creative energy to follow. Bronzite is a remarkable versatile healing stone that resonates with all of the chakras.

Weight: 36g (both together)

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