SKU: 000162440

Gorgeous Terminated Red Point! Auralite-23 Deep Purple Natural Specimen ~Locality Ontario, Canada #3

$ 74.00 USD
Weight: 109 g

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Auralite-23 Crystals may help ease nerves and anxiety and potentially help lower the trigger of panic attacks and the effects that follow. It is also a stone that can be called upon during shock and distress and may help comfort and calm. Auralite may help relax the body and be beneficial in the removal of tension, headaches, eye strain, muscle discomfort and muscle spasms. It may also benefit your vascular health, bringing an improved function and healing.

Auralite-23 crystals are about 1.2 billion years old, formed during the Meso-proterozoic age when multi-cellular creatures first emerged and began to flourish. It has been suggested that meteoric impacts brought rare metallic ores to the surface. They eventually dissolved and were incorporated into the structure of the growing Amethyst crystal, now called Auralite. The crystals themselves are structured layers of phantomed chevrons composed of three base quartz species, Amethyst, Citrine and a rare form of metamicted green quartz. The mineral compounds they contain reportedly include Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile.


Length - 7.0 cm

Width - 4.0 cm

Height - 2.5 cm